


Growth is not inherently positive or desired. We don’t want bigotry and covid to proliferate, for example. Though emotional intelligence and genuine kindness might be something we want to spread. Abundance and excess toe the blurred lines. Is it luck, or is it privilege? Is it altruistic generosity, or is it guilt? Is it healthy boundaries, or is it conflict avoidance? In any case, let’s re-welcome the greater benefic Jupiter to its Very Wet home in Pisces, a sign of contradiction and nuance.



This Venus retrograde in Capricorn is about confronting what is perhaps not apparent at first but is right in front of you. But due to many layers of dissonance (for whatever reason), it has been inconceivable to face. But face it, we must, and we shall. Perhaps saying grapple with your fears is too vague, but honestly, this is about coming to terms with what’s ugly. Retrograde periods inspire us to reevaluate. And this time, it’s about being honest about what kinds of power imbalances exist and how you need to restructure a particular area of your life.




On Mar. 21st, 2020, at 11:58 pm EDT, Saturn entered Aquarius. Whenever outer planets change signs, astrologers often mark these moments as note-worthy times in history. As we speak, the whole world is currently dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Saturn, the planet signifying limits, restrictions and boundaries, are apt descriptive words of the current reality everyone is dealing with. Social distancing became the buzz word, while Saturn spent its last moments in Capricorn. Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn on Jul. 1st, 2020. It will return to Aquarius on Dec. 17th, 2020 and will stay there until Mar. 8th, 2023.

When Saturn was in Capricorn since Dec. 2017 until just recently, it's most crucial transits were its co-presence and conjunction with Pluto and the South Node eclipses. On Jan. 12th, 2020, Saturn and Pluto conjoined at 22º Capricorn, starting a new cycle between these two outer planets. When Mars, the planet of action, entered Capricorn on Feb. 16th, 2020, we watched the world bent over and grappled with the quickly spreading COVID-19 infection. Authorities had to impose border and travel restrictions to contain the virus. The economic recession appears inevitable as most industries come to a halt.

Nonetheless, it has been impressive to watch how some governments provided fundamental and economic human rights in light of the current global emergency. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in many ways, exposed old power structures that can no longer hold and support itself. Necessitating all levels of reform with COVID-19 as a catalyst.

Now with Saturn in Aquarius, the world is adjusting to what may potentially be a new reality. A new world order. In a capitalist paradigm, profit and consumption are its primary mechanism of function. Now, people are having to adapt to what appears to be a rationing of scarce resources - money, bodies, time and space. Communities are called to strengthen their connections to survive isolation during physical distancing. Front line health care workers are fighting in desperation to support the gravely ill. Some countries' health care systems are unable to give them appropriate protection. The amount of people dying at a short amount of time seems unprecedented for most of us who have not lived through and survived wars. Saturn's entry into Aquarius is urgently and promptly compelling us to change the ways we live. If we are to survive this moment in history.