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Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet. Republished from here.

The glorious entry of Mercury and Sun in Taurus on April 19th is welcomed by its ruler Venus, and they’re already present, booked, and busy in Taurus. It’s a spicier, less grounded kind of Taurus season, because the planets will be rattled and mangled with the tension between Uranus and Saturn. Hopefully, it’ll bring exciting moments. 

Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd, making it harder to put in work. However, the star of the show is Jupiter entering Pisces on May 13th. This will patch and soften your weary bones and spirit, giving you a sense of hope and optimism that helps you push through. Read your Rising Sign horoscopes for more personal insights!

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at astro.com. For more information on how all of these play together, visit charmastrology.com.

Aries: This next month will inspire you to literally, or metaphorically, clean-house. Issues on the home front need your attention, but there’s also an emphasis on how you’re managing your budget. It’s an excellent time to declutter and rearrange your stuff. A lot of emotional and nostalgic energy clings to material things. Perhaps this practical activity will also help clear out any gunk that’s been building over the years. Time to let some things go, dear Aries.

Taurus: Happy Birthday Season, dear Taurus! Your season is undoubtedly all about you and who you are in the company you keep. Lots of feel-good vibes will abound and you may find yourself spilling over with gratitude. Sometimes words are not enough to articulate how you feel, so experiment on different ways of expressing your affections this month. As time flows, the focus shifts to your finances and material resources mid-month. You’ll be in brainstorming mode to figure out how best to sustain your life. 

Gemini: Get ready to confront and understand your imposter syndrome. The first half of the month ahead brings you face to face with your innermost and elusive ideas about success. How much is your fear of failure preventing you from even trying? Mid-month, for better or worse, the spotlight turns on you. Perhaps you will be feeling braver than usual because of the generosity of others. Bask and receive the adoration that comes your way. You deserve it, dear Gemini.

Cancer: Sharing yourself might feel like you’re divulging controversial and unpopular opinions, and maybe that’s true. Regardless of if it is, you may feel a lot more provocative this month and less interested in hiding behind diplomacy. You’re planting new seeds that challenge even your old perspectives, and they may clash against all kinds of people. The beauty of moving towards what’s true for you right now is that you do find other like-minded people who will uplift and support you. 

Leo: Blessings abound for you in the form of supportive relationships, mutually generous collaborations, and well-deserved recognition of your hard work. Revel and enjoy these moments of clarity and abundance. While that’s happening, you may find old voices of self-doubt slowly creeping up to the surface. Sometimes, it’s hard to de-condition the mind and heart to expect good things without sacrifices. Hopefully, this month teaches you that positive things do not have to be at the expense of something else.

Virgo: All of life exists because it is in relationship to someone/something. This month ahead, you’ll realize the powerful realization that yes, in fact, all of life is relationships. It expresses itself in how the sun rises above the horizon and simultaneously dries up the dewdrops that have collected overnight. Perhaps it comes in the form of heartbreak over the kind of connection you’ll never have with your parents, but you still revel in the person you’ve become because of this lack. Maybe it’s in the ways you’ve achieved success because of the people who have supported you along the way. Bask in this truth, for it is a beautiful thing to know you never exist in isolation.

Libra: It might be wise to keep a low-profile this month ahead by busying yourself with more pressing and behind-the-scenes work. Consider it a time to prepare and brush up on developing essential skills. It’s study time. You may enjoy getting down to work and may even get supportive hands on deck. Dealing with authority figures may prove to be a bit challenging this month. Or perhaps, there is just general angst about the direction of your future. Focus on mindful presence for now. This too shall pass.

Scorpio: “Pleasure is holy and sacred.” Repeat this to yourself until you believe it. This month you’re tasked to dust off the corners of your life that bring you butterflies and that tingly feeling of excitement. Nostalgia may be a good pathfinder for inspiration. Revisit memories and old art projects to reacquaint yourself with your old emotions. Hopefully, even if it makes you cringe, you can feel a sweet appreciation for your younger self. Don’t be the kind of person who thinks you’re above enjoying yourself, even if it’s embarrassing. 

Sagittarius: The month ahead is for integrating and processing whatever relationship issues have come up in the last month or so. Perhaps there have been some separations and maybe reparations. Either way, there were likely problems that needed active tending you can no longer avoid or pretend aren’t there. Count on the generosity of your nearest and dearests for some well-deserved empathy and care. Learn how to need others, dear Sagittarius.

Capricorn: Losses as gains will be the theme for the month ahead. You’ll be busy scheming various creative and work projects that will have you reevaluating the economics of how you spend your time. People and connections that are no longer functionally effective or growth-inducing should be reviewed or cut. What’s working and what’s not will be louder and hard to miss. The task will be about being graceful, clear, and firm about it because disappointing others will be inevitable. Being honest with yourself is more important. 

Aquarius: This month ahead will elaborate on the ironic nature of your material stability and its relationship to your health and well-being. There is often a cost, and you may find yourself making hard choices. Indeed, life is not fair. Hard work does not mean success is guaranteed. Knowing this, figure out where you might do better by saying no to projects, situations, and collaborations that may not be worth your labour, especially if it takes more from you. If it does not provide mutual benefit, it is not for you. Your rest and time are costly. Spend it where it matters. 

Pisces: It may feel slightly disorienting, but you’ll be awash in bountiful and exuberant optimism this month. This energy will supply you with enough fuel to work on and through all the deep wounds that make you small. You are anything but, dear Pisces. You are most definitely not insignificant, nor an inconsequential afterthought. You’d do well to remember that. The month ahead helps you appreciate your broken heart as a kind of strength that buoys you up into the person you’re becoming - a braver soul, more open-hearted, and not hardened by life’s suffering.