Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet. Republished from here.

The Sun’s ingress into Aries on March 20th was pivotal as it is considered the astrological new year. It usher’s the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and an increase in daylight hours. The Sun is exalted in Aries, and the collective access to courage and sheer will are top notch during this time. This is a great season to creatively express and proudly share yourself and all your endeavours. Venus is also in Aries now since March 21st. The Full Moon takes place at 8° Libra on March 28th, culminating whatever began back on October 16, 2020. Mercury enters Aries on April 3rd, picking up the pace on our communication and business deals. A New Moon occurs at 22° Aries on April 11th. It is well received by its ruler Mars in Gemini and supported by Jupiter in Aquarius. So save that date to start something important that you want to grow, flourish and gain auspicious recognition. And finally, Venus enters its home sign Taurus, slowing us down in preparation for the upcoming Taurus season. Read your Rising Sign horoscopes for some personal guidance and insight.

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit

Aries: Happy Birthday, Happy Astrological New Year, Happy it’s-all-about-you dear Aries! Always, during this time of the year, something about your sense of self and your motivations in life experiences a refreshing renewal. Spring equinox marks a sense of rebirth after the winter’s death. Consider this energy for the next month. Spend a lot of time connecting with yourself by way of embodiment, adornment and self-loving rituals.

Taurus: This time of the year often feels ironic for you. Despite the increase in daylight and heat, you are likely drawn to go more inwards. Take some time for retreat and restoration. Critically look at the balance of your input versus output and make adjustments according to your needs for rest. Close to the end of this season, you’ll start to embody a more pleasant and gracious sensibility.

Gemini: A surge in desire to be among your peers, comrades and friends crops up on you this month. We don’t condone super spreader events, but we support you in taking care of your mental health, especially if you’ve felt socially isolated. Get creative and take appropriate risks. Write community snail mails, reach out to folks, go on physically distanced friend-dates, organize with like-minded humans on causes you care about.

Cancer: Bask in the generous praise and appreciative gaze upon you this season. Receiving the recognition you deserve is the theme of the following month. This is also an excellent time to clarify your aspirations and let go of your ‘shoulds’ in life. Follow the path that feels yours inherently, not the one borrowed from the potential other people projects on you. Own up to your excellence.

Leo: Take journeying through a creative spin by engaging your mind and heart through different headspaces. Visualization is about creating images, scenes and narratives as if living out a dream. Get into new stories with the purpose of stretching your perspective. This season is all about stepping outside what’s familiar and delving deeper into possibilities. Even if your current reality is limited, imagine options opening up for your new future soon enough.

Virgo: For the most part, the bulk of “the work” is just about presence and the commitment to not abandon yourself. Practice is all there is. This month ahead is all about turning your gaze towards parts of your life that you’d rather forget. Do not let your new and old wounds fester. You may experience the gift of clarity this season. But to get there, you have to first stop pushing things under the rug. 

Libra: This month, stretch out your relational skills by learning more about mindful listening. Treat it as a kind of preemptive wisdom that arms you with empathetic tools for when conflict arises. Are you aware of how you respond when someone you care about shares something important to them? Do you tend to deal with your own discomfort by offering advice right out of the gate? One of the pearls of mindful listening is about understanding instead of the impulse to respond with solutions. Try it out.

Scorpio: Get organized because the month ahead will be a busy one. Most likely in the best way. But make sure you take care of the details that usually fall by the wayside, like planning your meals, taking your meds, scheduling sleep (no really), and doing your laundry. Sounds boring, but your exhausted future self will thank your past self for taking care of your needs. Otherwise, enjoy this moment— lots of labour of love and passion projects coming into focus. 

Sagittarius: When was the last time you played just for the sake of it? Without the pressure of social-media performance or the idea of profiting from it? Prioritize this now. Take your happiness seriously and take away the burden of aesthetics. Instead, get in touch with how your body feels and what kinds of emotions swirl within you when you’re genuinely in your joy.

Capricorn:  Right on schedule, springtime often makes you nostalgic and perhaps homesick. Or possibly turning your attention towards your memory of and ideas about family. Whether that’s about you continually healing your wounds or spending time with folks, you have chosen as your fams. Either way, spend the next month beautifying your space. Curate an environment that feels authentically you. Create a home that welcomes you.

Aquarius: What are the stories that help shape your thoughts and beliefs? Whose words help you make sense of your world and your place in it? This month take great care of the kinds of narratives you let in your mind and heart. Choose the ones that uplift, support and affirm you. Not out of denial, but because you deserve tales that inspire. Whether you access it through conversations, music, fiction, memoirs or poetry, get your fix.

Pisces: The material world holds energy and this month, as cliche as it sounds, you need to do some spring cleaning. Get rid of stuff you have not touched for six months, a year. If longer than that, you definitely do not need it. If you’ve been feeling incredibly stagnant, declutter your surroundings and emotionally detach from your stuff. Move your pieces of furniture around. See how much this change renews your resolve. You can do it!