
Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet. Republished from here.

Gemini season is eclipse season. Yes, we are now entering the portal of obliterating lights that can feel like the twilight zone. The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, where we transition from spring to summer. The Total Lunar Eclipse at 5° Sagittarius occurs on May 26th, which connects to whatever has emerged and grown since the last Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec.14, 2020. 

Mercury changes directions and stations retrograde at 24° Gemini on May 29th. It’s conjoined Venus and square Neptune, so it is extra languid and confusing. As usual, no need to panic. This is an excellent time for tending to unfinished tasks and situations. Mercury goes direct on June 22nd.

Venus enters Cancer on June 2nd, which can help you get comfy during the exhausting window between eclipses. We reach the other end of the eclipse tunnel on June 10th with a Solar Eclipse at 19° Gemini, conjunct its ruler Mercury, that’s retrograde. So yes, this one might be a bit wacky. Best not to start things if you can help it. But if you do, don’t fret. Just expect that some unstable factors and potential errors will require reversals and corrections later on. Eclipse days are best spent laying low, decluttering, and cleaning tbh. 

Mars finally leaves Cancer and enters Leo on June 11th. It gives off big summer energy and will help increase our motivations and productivity efforts. And finally, the second of the three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, both at 13°, takes place on June 14th. The first one happened in February, so think back to that time to whatever may have abruptly changed and what you needed to restructure since then. It’s time to rehash and review.

Welcome to Gemini season, and honestly, it’s a lot. Your horoscopes this month are inspired by the world of fanfiction tropes. Fanfiction is a dynamic and creative multiverse of stories created by fandoms of all kinds, and tropes are plot devices. Since Gemini inspires stories and storytelling, and if your month was a fanfiction trope, what would it be? Read your horoscopes to find out.

AU - Alternate Universe

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit

Aries: Epistolary/Social Media AU. It’s a creative fanfiction genre that consists of multimedia constructions of letters exchanged between characters. It’s literally correspondences in various forms like journal entries, newspaper clippings, emails/DMs/texts/tweets/Snapchat for the modern context, pictures etc. Imagine what story one can construct from the kinds of messages you share out in the world? Who are you performing as?

Taurus: Anthropomorfic. As the portmanteau suggests, it is about anthropomorphism where inanimate objects or other non-human animate beings are humanized and given a voice to narrate the story’s perspective. Basically, if your stuff could talk and tell your story, what would it say? Perhaps if your cat wrote your biography; what would they share? This month, critically analyze your relationship to the non-human world.

Gemini: Sentinel and Guide AU. Sentinels are fighters, hopefully for good, with supreme inhumane senses. Each Sentinel is fatedly paired with a Guide that allows them to expand at their fullest potential. Guides can enter and manage the Sentinel’s consciousness to care and support. Together they fight evil forces. This trope reminds you that connections require consistent nurturance and labour. The grass is greener where you water it.

Cancer: Hurt/Comfort. H/C is one of the earliest and popular fanfic genres. The story centres on characters living with painful experiences often inflicted on one another and ironically relieved by each other. For you, dear Cancer, the characters are all you. What different choices can you make to bring you to a more manageable place with it when you think about why you’re hurting?

Leo: Dystopian AU. One may argue that we are currently living in some kind of dystopian reality. But suppose you could alter it further and transmute details beyond what is possible. In that case, this trope is about imagining a future that is complex and possibly frightening (or is it?). It is for sure a departure from utopia. But whose utopia are we talking about? In a way, if you were to arrange and plan for your future against a backdrop of uncertainties, how would you proceed? 

Virgo: Canon Divergence. Canon in fandoms means the agreed-upon truthfulness of the stories/characters/plot. It’s similar to what one would consider a foundational source text. Canon Divergence therefore means going off-script and against the status quo. What and who are you rebelling against? What expectations projected on you are you disrupting? Who are you disappointing?

Libra: Time Travel. As the name suggests, the stories are about journeying through quantum time and space. Attempt to partake in your own imagined and literal time travelling this month ahead. Whether it’s through your dreams, reading old letters or watching your childhood home videos. What kind of life were you living before?

Scorpio: Deathfic. A fanfiction trope that centres the loss and death of major characters. Intended to elicit a sense of grief from the reader. In a way, this month is about your grief and grieving process dear Scorpio. Make room for it or at least acknowledge its presence. Make friends and have tea with your grief. 

Sagittarius: Enemies to Lovers. A very popular romantic and erotic genre that involves rivals moving through disagreements, unresolved sexual tension and eventual conflict resolution. Who are the folks that seem to be opposing you and tend to make you feel defensive? What kinds of mirrors do they hold up? Where do you actually agree with each other?

Capricorn: Angst. Stories that bring up restlessness, some yearning, and feelings of uncertainty. Overall, it can be utilized as productive energy to push through obstacles. It serves as fuel and motivation. The month ahead is busy. And you might be exhausted. Plan to take good care of yourself through it all.

Aquarius: De-aging. A fictional trope where adults transform into their child-like or younger selves. The change can either be fully physical or only internal. The month ahead may be a lot about inner child musings or a gentle remembrance of your foolish and naive youth, helping you sort through all the people who have come and gone in your life.

Pisces: Pastfic. Imagine recreating a world before you that leads up to your current reality? This fanfic trope is about building worlds before the current canon/main plot is established. In short, sort through your memories dear Pisces. Learn about the stories of your ancestry. Or perhaps write your own backstory.