Written and published exclusively for Chatelaine. Read the French version here. Illustration, Kiki Ljung.

The astrological skies are a flurry of activity, much like the post-holiday season. There is a time crunch, a pile of work to get back to and a melancholy that comes at the end of a long vacation. Jan. 1 finds Mercury entering Aquarius, where it will extend its stay as it turns retrograde on Jan. 14― often a time of review, readjusting and waiting things out.

A new moon in Capricorn emerges on Jan. 2, which will help create supportive structures and routines. On Jan. 17, a full moon in Cancer will illuminate whatever has grown since July 2021. This full moon is opposite Pluto, bringing up the fears attached to things ending. Uranus, the planet of chaos and liberation, moves forward on Jan. 18 as the true lunar nodes also switch signs to Taurus and Scorpio―in short, change is afoot.

The sun enters Aquarius on Jan. 19, ushering in a deep winter in the northern hemisphere. Mars enters Capricorn on Jan 24, which encourages productivity and helps us get things done. Mercury, still in retrograde, goes back into Capricorn on Jan. 25, hopefully turning our ambitious ideas into more realistic possibilities.

Venus in Capricorn finally moves forward on Jan. 29 after being retrograde since Dec. 19, 2021. Perhaps the month-long introspection some of us have been focusing on when it comes to our relationships will start to make sense. And for the final hurrah, a new moon, again, this time in Aquarius, transpires on Jan. 31, beginning a new annual cycle in this area of your charts. Read your horoscopes on how this busy astrology forecast will come together for you this month.

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, you can read for your Sun (if born during the day) and/or Moon (if born at night) sign. Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at astro.com. For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit charmastrology.com

Capricorn: It seems auspicious that there’s a new moon happening in your sign during the first few days of the first month of the new year. It will place emphasis or place extra pressure on your “new year, new me” resolutions. You may also want to consider how to be more autonomous in the long run. New beginnings or not, you might find yourself shuffling through old materials and spaces to carve out new ones.

Aquarius: The first month of the year starts with a flood of thoughts, but that isn’t inherently a bad thing. You’ll find yourself processing, meditating, and pondering what it means to be who you are today. Set aside ample quiet time this month and devote enough solitary hours to make sense of the ideas swarming around in your head.

Pisces: As usual, you oscillate between an intense desire to connect with others and longing for quiet solitude. Pay attention to the loneliness swimming through your veins. You’ll know what to do with it because sad hours are no stranger to you. Hopefully, you find a sense of belonging with others and within yourself that is strong enough to keep you sufficiently cared for. You got this.

Aries: You don’t generally shy away from the spotlight. However, you’re caught up in wanting to be more intentional when it comes to how you’re perceived by others. Gone are the days of being blasé about your reputation. In some ways, you want to polish and control public narratives about you. It can help to connect with friends and family who understand and support you to help create an image that feels more aligned with who you’re becoming.

Taurus: It’s a bit of a familiar tune, but you often find yourself contemplating and mood-boarding how you want the new year ahead to look. You’re usually full of lofty ideas about the future, and you generally feel introspective about the year that has passed. As cliché as it may seem, go ahead and scrapbook your way into the new year. You need to make things tangible to help you make sense of your thoughts and feelings.

Gemini: The duality of the current moment is not lost on you. On one hand, you want to curl into a fetal position and binge-watch your latest tv obsession in the comfort of your own bed. And on the other hand, you’d like to sing at the top of your lungs: “Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun. Wanderin’ free—wish I could be. Part of that world.” Find the balance to do both.

Cancer: Welcoming the new year often prompts you to honour and give thanks for all the precious relationships you’ve managed to hold onto, and also remember the people you’ve lost along the way. Life feels fragile whenever you’re reminded of time continuously moving forward, despite the grief and pain you carry. Give yourself permission to be as sentimental as you need to be.

Leo: Who do you try so hard for and why? In many ways, putting in all of the effort that you do is one of your love languages. But mutual reciprocity is key in any relationship: you can’t keep giving only to constantly receive less. The month ahead is about rethinking the effort you put in and how you give so generously. Remember that not everyone speaks the same love language as you— if you aren’t receiving exactly what you’re putting in, it doesn’t necessarily mean that people don’t care.

Virgo: The new year is often a time to indulge yourself in every possible pleasurable activity you fancy. But it’s also the time you feel most invigorated by your new set of goals, to-do lists and responsibilities. You can hardly wait to get to work. Enjoy this moment.

Libra: If you’re not surrounded by family whose presence you enjoy, you’re hopefully wrapped in the safe and nurturing love of chosen families. Make sure to carve out space to reflect on the past as you move forward. Make your home a haven of warmth. There is a promise of renewed inspiration as the month unfolds. But first, you must rest. Take it easy.

Scorpio: The confusing thing about memories, and the photographs or videos that document them, is that they can distort what actually happened. We tend to capture and remember good memories only. This time around, sit with your memories and all the twists and contortions they have survived throughout the years. Sometimes it matters less what actually happened than how you feel about it today.

Sagittarius: Money can buy you some semblance of peace and provide basic human needs—however fleeting that may be. This month, confront your relationship with wealth and what you see as being financially stable and secure.