Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet.

Scorpio season heralds the spooky eclipse season. But it doesn’t have to be feared. What eclipses bring are times of change. It is inevitable. A new moon in Scorpio occurs on Nov. 4th, and it is opposite the planet of chaos Uranus. This can bring shocking epiphanies that may be what you need to bring about the freedom you seek. 

Venus enters Capricorn, and Mercury enters Scorpio both on Nov. 5th. Venus will be in Capricorn for an extended period because it will turn retrograde at the end of December. For now, it is sweetening up this area of your chart. Mercury is finally moving on after its previous retrograde and is bringing us down to the depths. Some truths lie beneath, and you must travel far below to unearth them. 

And finally, a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus occurs on Nov. 19th, trine Pluto. It will be visible in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe and Asia. A lunar eclipse is a full moon where the earth lines up and blocks the opposing sun’s rays, casting a red hue on the moon’s surface. Something is culminating that has been budding since May 2021. But this time, there are new powerful shifts to unpack. Read your Scorpio season horoscopes for some gentle guidance.

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, you can read for your Sun (if born during the day) and/or Moon (if born at night) sign. Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit

Aries: A tangible and psychological shift is taking place concerning your material world. This may mean money issues creep up, and you get a chance to solve any problems that you’re starting to make more sense of. However, more than corporeality is the question of boundaries and discipline when it comes to how you give and receive. The dominant world profits off of us being independent over being interdependent. Which way do you tend to sway? How can you swing more the other way?

Taurus: Apparently, we shed about 40,000 dead skin cells in one minute. Imagine that on the scale of a day, a week, a month, years??? The cycle of regeneration is never-ending. Despite our childlike resistance, life moves on, no matter the heartbreak or sacred joy we’re holding. Growth sometimes creeps up on you. Sometimes it’s shocking. Sometimes you grow up too soon. You’re in that phase of your life. The quality of the transformation is possibly fated-like. But whether you’re ready or not, it’s time to grow up (again and again). 

Gemini: Pay attention to the details, tones, moods and plot of your dreams this month ahead. They’re going to be a landmine of gems. Who are the characters? What are they saying? If you’re not in the habit of writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, do it this month ahead. If you’re not a sleep-dreamer, pay attention to your daydreams instead. Same deal. Even if for just a week. But get into the habit of tracking dreams. You might find that it tells you a lot about what you’re needing but likely avoiding. 

Cancer: Your sense of belonging to specific groups of people is starting to reach its peak. Peaks often mean there’s a following cool-down period. In many ways, you’re approaching this crossroad. People change, and sometimes they complement your shifts, and other times they contradict. Whatever the case may be, you’re likely reaching an understanding that you must move on. The loss might feel bittersweet or downright heartbreaking. Please take care of yourself. 

Leo: You’re in for a ride because when you thought your compass was pointing in the direction you originally intended, you find yourself detouring. Perhaps you got happily distracted and followed a wild animal into the forest. Or maybe, you run out of gas and are hungry, so you had to ask for help. Perhaps you’re lost and have been for a while. And your GPS stopped working, and there’s no internet (and of course, you did not bring a paper map because who does these days?). The moral of the story is, allow yourself not to know exactly where you’re headed, whatever the reason may be. 

Virgo: Make it a point to fail often. If you’re only interested in doing things you’re proficient at, difficult things will always feel like they take unimaginable effort. But you, of all people, know that proficiency comes with trial and error and repeated practice. In many ways, this month ahead is about stretching the edges of your struggle zone. You will learn so much about yourself in ways success cannot teach you.

Libra: Isn’t it both a wonder and a terror to know that every day you’re moving closer to death? Just by existing? Each day you become witness to birth and death, and everything in between. Allow yourself the space to revel in this reality. Maybe feeling your feelings is hard advice. What does that even mean? Make it a project to figure out exactly how to do that. Trust in your process. You’ll know best how to do it.

Scorpio: Big transformations are afoot in your partnerships and relationships. This is not anything new, as it’s been brewing for the past six months. In many ways, you are going through some deep changes in terms of who you are. Lean into more empathy and grace when communicating with the important people in your life. Going through significant shifts in your shared lives will always need more kindness.

Sagittarius: There will be striking realizations around how un/well you feel this month ahead. Perhaps you’ve got a pretty full plate or have too many balls up in the air. You cannot clone yourself or time. The accumulation of your responsibilities is taking a toll on your most important resource, your health and attention. Scale back and restrategize. Don’t take on more work if you don’t have to. Your body will likely tell you enough is enough.

Capricorn: If you’ve been under a numbing spell of disinterest and indifference, you might find it unnerving that a hint of excitement flickers within you. New glimpses of wondrous inspiration and ideas come to form. Don’t be skeptical of this spark. It’s been brewing for the last half a year. Go out and find the collaborations that fit. Despite preferring to work solo most of the time, being surrounded by the right kind of people will do wonders for your creativity. 

Aquarius: This lifetime often does not feel long enough to peel through the layers of your childhood, not to mention the tangled threads of your intergenerational inheritances. This month ahead brings you a new kind of awareness that’ll make you want to turn in and introspect. Set aside some hermit time despite the usual pressure and desire to be more visible and social this time of the year.

Pisces: It’s often overwhelming to translate the immense intricacies and unfathomable multiplicity of all that you experience throughout your life. But articulating in a language is a must, un/fortunately. It can help you comprehend, integrate and metabolize. But it can also dilute and water down nuance. It can be both these things simultaneously. Whatever happens, this month ahead will give you new words to tell your stories. Hold them and share if you’re inspired. Either way, you’re on your way to a new kind of understanding.