Written and published exclusively for Hey Dewdrop. Republished here.

Written and published exclusively for Hey Dewdrop. Republished here.

September's astroweather is perfect for building fortitude, forming a resilient spirit, maintaining resolute determination, and, most importantly, it is for gracious surrender and provision of softness wherever and whenever possible. You don’t have to “tough it out” if that's not what the situation calls for. Oftentimes, it's one’s ability to be pliant that helps you yield under pressure and turn sharp corners. 

Full Moon blooms at 10˚ Pisces on the 2nd while Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn Rx in Capricorn, both at 25˚. There will be breakthroughs on whatever seeds that were planted back in February 2020. The trials and delays you've been experiencing in your relationships since August will come to a culmination.

Mercury enters Libra on the 5th and Venus enters Leo on the 6th. Mercury enters the cardinal crossfire with the malefics (Mars and Saturn) while Venus survives it and moves on to happier pastures. Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus at 10˚ on the 15th, bringing unexpected revelations. September will see our communications come to tense and heated escalations while also giving us a bit of joyful respite. 

Mars in Aries stations retrograde at 28˚ Aries on the 9th and will remain retrograde until Nov. 13th. This slows down the area of your life that's been on urgent overdrive since the end of June. 

Jupiter stations direct at 17˚ Capricorn on the 12th and a New Moon at 25˚ Virgo occurs on the 17th. New Moons bring up inceptions and openings in the Virgo area of your charts. The last half of September finds Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn on the 17th, square Pluto in Capricorn on the 21st, square Saturn in Capricorn on the 23rd and opposing Mars Rx in Aries on the 24th. Needless to say, watch out for intense, harsh, and possibly challenging exchanges during these dates. Mercury also rules commerce and journeys so expect some delays or difficulties.

The Sun enters the sign of its fall in Libra on the 22nd, ushering in the Fall Equinox and forming a beautiful mutual reception with Venus in Leo. Planets in mutual reception exchange their home signs and mitigate any challenges the Sun, in this case, may experience. 

To finish off a pungent, zesty, and hardy September, Mercury enters the brooding and deep sign of Scorpio on the 27th. Then Saturn stations direct at 25˚ Capricorn on the 29th and Mars Rx Aries immediately squares it. What does this mean for you? Please read your horoscopes for some affirmations, calls to action, and hopeful inspiration. You got this!

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit

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September is you attempting slacklining like those people in city parks with ropes tied between trees. There's a meditative lesson here somewhere. Somehow in your attempts to be authentically you, you're also compelled to explore diplomacy as a gracious teacher. There is something to say about people who can communicate clearly and show up in conflict without name-calling, screaming, or attacking. Learn this, dear Aries. Don't let your efforts building the life you’ve laboured hard for just crumble because of your unprocessed grief masked as anger. 


You've been hard at work cutting through your bullsh*t, Taurus. Good for you. It's usually a feat when you can see yourself acting out old patterning and conditioning. There's usually a huge reality check and gap between the awareness of the thing, and slowly healing from the thing. The thing being toxic behaviours that may have shielded you from scary situations before but now only gets you stuck in a loop of harmful and self-sabotaging decisions. Start unlearning slowly and kindly. Just show up every day. This is THE work. Sri K. Pattabhi Jois says, "Practice and all is coming." Aim for consistency and that is good for now.


Emphasis on collaborations and your roles in groups will be highlighted this month. You may feel an intense and urgent desire to be more independent and authentic when dealing with your community. Allow this to guide you on who to conspire and join forces with. This will help you harmonize a lot of the creative projects you're working on. It's okay to say no to people and movements you don't support. Instead, focus your energy on being honest about your shared goals so you can optimize the passion and drive you have to offer. It's better to be real than give out flaky promises.


Take a step back and reevaluate the direction you're headed towards. Who are you becoming? Let your roots and your past provide you with insights on how far you've come. Venerate your ancestors and petition for their loving support. Get wise and mature about your relationships. Some are worth all the labour, while others are just draining your life force. Know the difference and sustain the ones that challenge you and help you grow. Most importantly, give yourself as much empathy you can muster as you tread through challenging waters this month. If life gets overwhelming, remember you can take a pause.


Who are you outside of what you produce? Who are you if you are not your job? Get to know who you are outside of your roles and responsibilities. Learn to communicate and articulate exactly how you relate to your life without the attachment to your career. Resist asking people "what do you do?". Instead ask them, "what's your story?". Answer it for yourself too. Socialize and engage with mentors and teachers. Learn from them and then outgrow them. Explore the greener grass past your own pastures. Interrogate your privilege and leverage it. Let it inform how you engage with humility and compassion. September is indeed deeply philosophical for your dear Leo.


Happy Birthday September Virgos! Here's the thing Virgo, September will vehemently emphasize your desires for an imaginative and whimsical life. The real challenge is your belief that this life will only exist at the expense of material stability. The hard truth is that you have to eat, pay rent, and somehow survive. So the challenge this month is to figure out how you can creatively thrive without relying on capitalism. Not every hobby has to be profitable for it to be legitimate, nor do you have to spend money to make it happen. You don't even have to post a pic. Just try and do what makes you happy in the quiet moments of your days. That is enough and exactly what you need. 


Happy Birthday September Libras! Ngl, everything feels intense and you’re one scream away from yelling out, “omg what now!”. It’s easy to project blame onto others especially when people seem hell-bent on making your life more difficult. However, what you can manage is your behaviour and not anyone else's. While it will be extremely challenging to stay diplomatic this month, it may be wise to pick your battles, dear Libra. Work hard behind the scenes and let the results of your efforts act as a response to the criticisms howled your way. You have enough support from like-minded folks to help ease up some of the tension. Rely on them. 


September's astroweather is more like an imploding volcano versus an exploding one. Meaning, you'll be busy tending to more subtle but intense dynamics in the background, under-the-table, and in secret. It is also possible that you'll be busy helping others with their drama or fixing other people's mistakes so it doesn't negatively affect you later on. Either way, the central theme is patience and boundaries. Learn to communicate precisely what you mean and figure out how you can unburden yourself from other people's problems. This might help you appreciate some of the more external and public appreciation that may come your way this month. Try and stay open to other people's generosity.


Deep tension lies between your needs and other people's expectations of you. Performative generosity and kindness are an actual thing and this may be harming you more than you think. If you have to sacrifice a core part of your desire to please others, what does this say about your belief that you deserve good things in life guilt-free? Who taught you that making others like you is the way towards your happiness? Is it mostly true? In the chance that it is not, try and satisfy yourself first and see how it feels. If the guilt is too much to bear, then this is your chance to carry this burden. Over time and with relentless practice, it'll get easier to prioritize yourself. 


Your public versus your private duality is the point of reflection and action this month. Likely situations are occurring behind the scenes that may have you rethinking about what you publicly align yourself with, and vice versa. Perhaps you're starting to feel a bit uncomfortable about the dissonance between these necessary parts of yourselves. This month, work on a meaningful integration of your multi-faceted selves. All aspects of you are allowed to exist, and it makes sense that you act according to context. However, it's okay to yearn for a more cohesive thread that connects even your most contradicting characters. Aim to make sense of all your nuances.


September is for allowing life and situations to unfold with as little control on your part as possible. As cliche as it seems, it's all about practicing just being instead of doing. The surprising and sometimes terrifying aspect of stillness is how the monsters you try to stifle come out of the shadows. This month, meet them. Have tea with them. Get to know your monsters. Ask what they need from you. Let them ask you, 'what are you afraid of?'. This month, attempt to fight against society’s escapist conditioning by shamelessly being present with yourself and all the ways you're hurting. I promise you; this can be healing.


Your values and relationship with your material and social resources are put in question this month. Your ideas and beliefs about collective action versus individual freedom are put to the test. How much do your actions, habits, and daily life reflect your political ideals? These are hard questions that may be best answered through an unwavering commitment to changing behaviours. Choose small steps over big sweeping announcements. The truth is you are fighting against lifetimes of family and societal conditioning that are deeply ingrained in capitalist culture. So to attempt to unlearn them requires kindness, discipline and hard work. Set yourself up for success by committing minimally instead.