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APR. 29, 2019 MONDAY

It’s highly possible that you stayed up late last night because the Moon in Pisces was happily drunk from Uranus’ exciting offerings. Today however may feel a bit like a harsh hangover. But first, we experience a mildly supportive sextile between the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Taurus. This really helps affirm our inner sense of belonging. The ego is supported by our intuition and we are better equipped to attend to our needs. The real star of the day however is Saturn stationing retrograde this evening at 20˚ Capricorn at 8:55pm ET. Here the lord of consequence will backtrack all the way to 13˚ until Sept. 17, 2019. Saturn has travelled through these degrees before since Jan. 21, 2019 to be exact. Saturn signifies the fundamental structures that hold us up - like our bones and spine. Saturn urges us to have endurance against life’s struggles. It rules time and the limits it sets on our human capacity. Ruling over death and our inevitable return to ashes. Things that grow under Saturn’s gaze are slow, steady and truly time-tested. Whatever it touches, it wants to last for a long time. This retrograde cycle teaches us to confront our own inner strength and ability to survive and thrive under life’s demands. Reflect on the responsibilities you have shouldered and review if it's still work you are committed to continue. Determine what areas of your life is needing more discipline and perseverance. For people with planets, Rising and Midheaven signs in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) between 13˚-20˚, Saturn is having its second go-around with these planets/angles in your chart. The second contact often means a time to regroup and rethink how you’re going to move forward with the issues that was brought up the first time around.

*I recently started a new offering: Saturn Return Consultation - click to find out more*

APR. 30, 2019 TUESDAY

The height of the glamour of the Moon in Pisces reaches the climax as it conjoins Neptune in the early morning. This wakes us up feeling sensitive and sympathetic to everyone’s suffering. This can be overwhelming and portends even the most practical in us to want to escape. The Moon then squares off with verbally combative Mars in Gemini, emulating the recent Mars Neptune square that happened on Friday which we are still recovering from. This mixes the mood with irritability and frustrations. Just before lunch time, we get some grounding support by way of sextile to now retrograde Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This helps give a container to the flood of emotions that may have inundated us since Sunday evening. Though feelings may be intense, it can start to feel as though we can make it through. Finally, the Moon in Pisces squares philosopher Jupiter in Sagittarius likely predisposing us to exaggerated generosity or just downright laziness. The Moon goes void from 5:57pm ET until tomorrow morning when it changes signs. So if you are feeling lazy, just embrace it because a void-of-course Moon is not about doing. Just be - which can be an equally hard thing to do. At 9:17pm ET, the void Moon at 25˚24’ Pisces enters the Balsamic Phase of its cycle. This is the descent of the dark as the Moon loses its light. Often these periods are marked by needing to retreat and spend time alone. There’s a heightened awareness of the previous cycle’s culmination and ending. It is a time for introspection to integrate what one has learned in order to move forward at the upcoming New Moon on May 4th.


In the wee hours at 2:38am EST, Mercury in Aries forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini at 20˚. And then at 4:50am ET, Mercury in Aries squares Saturn Rx in Capricorn also at 20˚. The only activity we get from the Moon is when it enters Aries at 6:24am ET. Unless you’re a night owl then you were likely still asleep as these transits take place in real time. However, waking up it truly colours the energy of the day. Firstly, Mercury being the planet that rules over our mental faculties and ways of communicating encounters two mixed influences. There is an urgent desire to get our message across and we may equally have a hard time articulating our point. The best way to work with today’s mood is to bury your head and work on your ideas solo. These two transits by Mercury with Mars and Saturn Rx imports intellectual vigour and vitality and you’re better off doing it on your own without getting into potential verbal spats with others. The less, the merrier. The Moon in Aries, though not aspecting any planets today, is all about exercising our need for independence. Feelings usually get expressed urgently, willfully and courageously. There can be a fiery and impulsive mood as you navigate your day. While you may find others irritating, just remember people likely feel the same about you. Aries Moon can often indicate impatience and sometimes lack of consideration for others. Take the time to look around you as you passionately go after today’s demands.

Fallen Angels in Hell, Painting by John Martin (Public Domain), 1841


The hot-tempered Moon in Aries starts us off with a conjunction with lone warrior Venus in Aries. This combo emphasizes our need to forge our own path and separate from unhealthy co-dependent dynamics with others. There can be a tyrannic desire to cut ties from situations that prevent us from expressing our true selves. Either way, today is the day to make brave choices in your relationships. The evening however, colours a more intense and solemn mood. While we’re still feeling the effects of the voice-limiting Mercury square with Saturn yesterday, Mercury in Aries squares off with Pluto Rx in Capricorn at 23˚ at 5:49pm ET plunging us into our own shadowy depths. This transit really opens our minds to our ugly sides. It forces us to sit and make friends with the Monster(s) that live within. The sobering Moon in Aries squares with realistic Saturn in the evening also diving us even deeper into facing our own demons. There may be a break of light in the late night however, as Mercury in Aries trines Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius at 23˚ at 11:59pm ET and the Moon in Aries trining and dispositing to Mars in Gemini just after midnight. After an evening of likely depressing descent to the dark corners of our spirit, the late evening really offers a lot of hope and optimism for the growth ahead of us.

MAY 3, 2019 FRIDAY

The night-owl, early morning hours of Friday intensifies the last two days’ impression and the Moon goes void starting at 4:47am ET. The probably burnt out Moon wanders around all day, and you may be feeling equally floaty and directionless. Go with this flow and just let things be. At 4:18pm ET the Moon finally enters her sign of exaltation in Taurus leading us into an evening and weekend of more sensual and pleasure-seeking nature. However, due to the Moon’s ill-dignified ruler Venus in Aries and conjunction with destabilizing Uranus, the evening highlights the breakdowns and unexpected changes that’s been occurring in the Taurus parts of our charts. Anyone with planets and angles (AC/MC) in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be really getting an almost slap-in-the-face reminder of all the changes taking place in your life. The best way to work with this as we slowly move closer to the New Moon tomorrow is to nurture the needs of your body. Get nourished through healing touch, comforting foods, cozy bed and remind yourself of at least 2 things that are stable and unchanging in your life. Get grounded and calm amidst the chaos.


The Moon spends the day dimming the remaining sliver of light from the previous month and starts a new cycle marking a New Moon at 14˚ Taurus at 6:46pm ET. It is best to spend today quietly and slowly, pottering at home. Feed your space through cleaning neglected corners, watering your plants, changing your sheets, and cooking nourishing meals. Move at your pace and own your own sweet time. Remember that New Moon cycles are not times of action. It’s a time for external stillness to feed the internal dynamic growth that’s occurring. This New Moon in Taurus gives you a chance to centre and ground yourself so you know how to move forward from last night’s turbulent reminders of the changes up ahead. Contrast your inner chaos by creating a space that gives you a serene and tranquil container to dwell in. Nest and remind yourself of your resilience amidst the metamorphosis you’re going through. Find that inner strength that has helped you survive and thrive in more harrowing conditions. The changes afoot though destabilizing, are necessary and right on time.

MAY 5, 2019 SUNDAY

Sunday feeds us with more wisdom and foresight for the long game. The early hours finds the New Moon in Taurus supported by Neptune and Saturn Rx enabling our imaginations to connect our dreams and reality. Just before lunch time, the Moon trines Pluto Rx furthering the narrative of deep renewal and transmutation in the areas of our charts that’s Taurus. At 11:10am ET we find the Moon goes void again and drifts all day and night. While a void Moon inspires inactivity, on the contrary at 5:57pm ET we find the planet of action Mars in Gemini oppose benevolent Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius both at 23˚. This gives us a sense of exaggerated capacity to get things done. This can manifest as overextending our own physical scope and overestimating our ideas and plans. Make sure you are within the limits of your ability and circumstances otherwise you might find yourself in a hyperbole mess. This week ends with the Moon entering Gemini at 11:40pm ET leading us to a night of more mental chatter and perhaps difficulty quieting our mind.

I have recently started offering some new services: Birthday Consultation (currently for Taurus folks), Monthly Astrology Consultation and Saturn Return Consultation. If you want a more personalized reading and detailed forecast, you can see me for a look at your Half-A-Year Ahead or Year Ahead. If you don’t know anything about your chart, a Birth Chart Reading is always a great place to start. And lastly, I also offer Tarot Readings if that’s more your divination style. Make sure you’re subscribe to my newsletter so you can receive your weekly astrology forecast by Sunday evening or early Monday morning to start your week right! Thanks for reading. Until next time <3